Kevin and I flipped through the book and he narrowed the first choice down to three. I decided on the first cookie from those, based on the least amount of ingredients we would need to purchase (only molasses and allspice for this one). I made a full batch of cookies so we could take most over to our friends' for game night.

First, I would like to note that 1 hour of time to chill the dough is not nearly enough. I would say 2-3 hours at least and overnight is even better. However, I did bake the first dozen with only an hour of chill time, it just made for messier dough-ball rolling as the dough wasn't firm at all. I baked them on a Silpat® instead of parchment, and it worked perfectly. I did learn that you really can't expect to get a dozen on the sheet without having them all touch, as I really crowded the pan and got few circular cookies. Pan two was baked after the dough could chill longer and pan three the next day. They improved each time, but I would say they still weren't perfect.
I absolutely love molasses cookies, the really big, fat, and chewy ones. Ones where you're not sure if they even finished baking. These were not quite that. The overall diameter of the cookie is wonderful, but they thin out during the baking process, leaving the edges chewy, yet hard. The first pan was baked at the recommended 17 minutes, the second - 16 minutes, and finally the third at 15 minutes (each rotated 8 minutes in). The last pan was my favorite, but I think I'll try shortening the time even a minute or two more next time I make these. The flavor was wonderful and just what I had hoped for, it's too bad the density was just off.

So, here's my rating system - the Chip Scale (5 chocolate chips being the best). I've decided on two scales: one for flavor, and the other for texture (which will cover consistency, density, texture, etc. - basically how does it feel in one's mouth).


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